Stevenson Aggregates New Office Complex
Stevenson Aggregates Ltd’s Drury Quarry is currently undertaking re-development construction for its new quarry office building, laboratory building, crushing plants, concrete plant, pugmills, weighbridges and aggregate bin stockpiles as well as lamella ponds. The re-development covers an area of 18 hectares. The geology of the site is complex while the existing ground has been significantly modified by various type of structural fill, spoil fill and topsoil stockpile during the last 80 years of quarry operation.
Gaia Engineers has been engaged by the client Fulton Hogan as its geotechnical engineer for the design and construction observation of 300,000m3 cut and fill earthwork to create suitable platforms for the new quarry structures and facilities. The most significant challenge of the project is to optimise the reusability of cut materials of various types for structural fill to reduce the earthwork cost.