Gleeson & Cox Huntly Quarry

Gaia Engineers has been engaged by Stevenson Aggregates as its geotechnical engineer since 2014 and now by Gleeson Quarries Ltd for the geotechnical works in Huntly Quarry.

Gaia Engineers has undertaken photogrammetry mapping projects at the Huntly Quarry for defect mapping and rock fabric analysis for stability assessment of the mine slopes. The rock exposures at Huntly Quarry was also served as a case study for the Taupiri Summit Cut as part of our SH1 Huntly Bypass Project.

Gaia Engineers have investigated and designed four managed fill and overburden fill sites in the gullies surrounding the Huntly Quarry main pit. Each of the fill sites has been designed to accommodate a capacity in the range of 50~75,000 thousand cubic meters of earthfill.   Design challenges for these fills included unfavourable Waikato Coal Measure bedding weaknesses, historical and uncontrolled mining fill.   Currently, the fill sites are under construction.

Specialisation: Mining